1 | Notification for Pune Ring Road Project Land Aqusition Taluka Haweli | Notification | 22/04/2024 | 90.88 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Haveli%20Estern%20Niwade.pdf |
2 | Notification for Pune Ring Road Project Land Aqusition Taluka Khed | Notification | 22/04/2024 | 70.27 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Khed%20Estern%20Niwade.pdf |
3 | Notification for Pune Ring Road Project Land Aqusition Taluka Bhor | Notification | 09/01/2024 | 13.37 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/PRRWBhorAward.pdf |
4 | Notification for Pune Ring Road Project Land Aqusition Taluka Mulshi | Notification | 09/01/2024 | 94.96 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/PRRWMulshiAward.pdf |
5 | Notification for Pune Ring Road Project Land Aqusition Taluka Mawal | Notification | 08/01/2024 | 46.21 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/PRRWMawalAward.pdf |
6 | Notification for Pune Ring Road Project Land Aqusition Taluka Haweli | Notification | 08/01/2024 | 139.55 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/PRRWHaveliAward.pdf |
7 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 314 YCEW | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20YCEW-LAO.pdf |
8 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 313 TCB | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20TCB-3-LAO.pdf |
9 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 308 TCB Arbitrator | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20TGB-Arbitrator.pdf |
10 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 311 TCB | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20TGB-LAO.pdf |
11 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 309 BKSP Arbitrator | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20BKST-Arbitrator.pdf |
12 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 312 BKSP | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20BKST-LAO.pdf |
13 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 310 TCB 3 Arbitrator | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20TCB-3-Arbitrator.pdf |
14 | Maharashtra Shashan Rajpatra Asadharan Part 4B Sr. No. 307 YCEW Arbitrator | Notification | 20/11/2017 | 0.08 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazette%20dated%2027-09-2017%20-%20MH%20Act%20-%20YCEW-Arbitrator.pdf |
15 | Nagpur Mumbai Expressway Namuna 1 Moja Khed Pimpri | Notification | 26/07/2017 | 1.50 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/KhedPimpri.pdf |
16 | Notice Regarding Purchase of Private LAND by Private Negociation Shenit, Pimpalgoan Dukara, Kawaddara, Bhrvir Khurd, Dhamangoan, Gambhirwadi Village | Notification | 03/06/2017 | 3.58 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Shenit,%20Pimpalgoan%20Dukara,%20Kawaddara,%20Bhrvir%20Khurd,%20Dhamangoan,%20Gambhirwadi.pdf |
17 | Notice Regarding Purchase of Private LAND by Private Negociation Igatpuri Village | Notification | 03/06/2017 | 0.26 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Igatpuri.pdf |
18 | Notice Regarding Purchase of Private LAND by Private Negociation Savala Village | Notification | 03/06/2017 | 0.74 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/savala.pdf |
19 | Notice Regarding Purchase of Private LAND by Private Negociation Dhuikhed Village | Notification | 08/05/2017 | 0.69 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/DHUIKHED.pdf |
20 | Notice Regarding Purchase of Private LAND by Private Negociation JHADA Village | Notification | 08/05/2017 | 0.77 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/JHADA.pdf |
21 | Notice Regarding Purchase of Private LAND by Private Negociation Dhotra Village | Notification | 08/05/2017 | 0.94 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/DHOTHRA.pdf |
22 | Jalna Notification-1 | Notification | 08/12/2016 | 1.13 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Jalna%20Notification-1.PDF |
23 | Gazzed primary notification amravati final | Notification | 08/12/2016 | 9.01 | https://msrdc.in/Site/Upload/GR/Gazzed%20primary%20notification%20amravati%20final.pdf |